Welcome to North Peace MB Church's Women's Ministry page! We hope this page helps you to understand our goals, purpose and mission as Women of the Word.
What is the purpose of the NPMB Women's Ministry? To encourage and support women to play their role in fulfilling the Great Commission through the fostering of relationships with Christ and other women that both sanctify and promote service to others.
Our Mission Statment is inspired by Ephesians 4:16, which says From whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. The women’s ministry exists to glorify God, advance the kingdom in our own homes and communities, and to serve Christ and others.
What is the Long Term Vision of the Women's Ministry? 1. To be a ministry aware of the unique spiritual challenges faced by women and ready to address those challenges in scripturally sensitive and sound ways. 2. To be a ministry rooted deeply in God’s word, well connected with other ministries and the community, who is aware of various needs, and is responsive to needs as they arise. 3. To have committee members and volunteers who are in the Word, seeking God’s guidance in all aspects of life, to model humble, gentle, sacrificial love to others. 4. To have committee members and volunteers who are in service to others, always maintaining an outward focus. 5. To be a congregation of women with opportunities to meet with and disciple each other, through various studies/programs/events and informal meetings, to help sanctify each other, to support and encourage each other through difficult times, practice discernment together, and to pray for each other. 6. To be a congregation of women enriched by the growth and sanctification that occurs in relationship with other women.
We are currently planning a Wednesday Morning Study for February 5 - April 2 from 9:30-11:30am at the church. Contact the church office @ 250-785-3869 for more information.
We currently have running a Tuesday Evening Study from 7:00-9:00pm at Peaceful Pages Book Store. Contact Connie Bueckert @ 250-264-7338 or Jamie Giesbrecht @ 250-261-9482 for more information.
For more information about this ministry, please reach out to Molly at (778-385-9553). You can also email Molly at mollyeby3@gmail.com.