It's fall! Somewhere it was summer, I'm sure.
We can complain that we didn't have anuy summer but evidence of the changing seasons are all around us. Yellow leaves, geese learning to fly in formation, later sunrises and school, which starts next week!! I love the changing of the seasons. It always reminds me of the creativity and faithfulness of God.
We will be starting KidZone on September 15. As we did last year, we will start with a Meet & Greet morning with the parents. Registrations will be filled out for your children at that time. You will want to attend this for general information about the upcoming year. Please make attending a priority.
We also still need many volunteers for this year. This summer I served to bring Children's Church to our kids for three Sundays, in both sercices. What a privilege! They are so smart and are understanding Scripture way beyond what experts say kids of this age are capable of. The gospel is understood by children and as they learn who God is, they quickly learn to be in a relationship with him. You will be so rewarded, and your own faith strengthened, by joining the KidZone team.
Please call me, Emily, at the church at 250-4785-3869 any time, Monday through Thursday, if you have any questions or would like to volunteer. You can also email me.
Back to seasons, I have spent a considerable amount of time preparing for the Christmas concert this week. I am so excited about the concert this year, as I'm sure I am every year. The date is set for December 15. Mark your calendars!
We will have 4 practices this year, on November 23 & 30 and December 7 & 14.
I look forward to connecting with many of you as we begin this 2019-2020 season!
Emily Fehr
Director of Children's and Family Ministries
NPMB Church